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Moving a RigidBody with Transform.Position causes its Kinematic Child Object to be misplaced after the movement



How to reproduce:
1. Open user-submitted project (Rigid Test)
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Check the 'Button Start' checkbox in the 'Cube' GameObject's 'RigidMove' Script Component

Expected result: after the movement is finished the Cube and its child Capsule are both at the same position
Actual result: after the movement is finished the Capsule is in a different position than the Cube

Reproducible with: 2018.1.6f1, 2018.1.9f1, 2018.2.0b4, 2018.2.2f1, 2018.3.0a6
Not reproducible with: 2017.1.5f1, 2017.2.3p2, 2017.4.8f1, 2018.1.5f1, 2018.2.0b3

Using Rigidbody.position or Rigidbody.MovePosition instead of Transform.Position to move the cube does not cause this issue

Comments (1)

  1. Marcos-Elias

    Aug 02, 2018 04:26

    This is happening for me, sometimes it's hard upgrading to a "stable" version of Unity... I was with beta 11 of 2018.1, after upgraded to 2018.2 with latest patches, I got this surprise.

    I move a vehicle with smaller kinematic rigidbodies inside (clickable buttons). After the user reposition the vehicle in another place (by dropping it from some height) all the buttons stays out of the original place. I'll be replacing transform.position with rigidbody.position instead.

    I'm happy to see that this is an identified bug, but since it is also from 2018.1, it may get longer to get fixed... This brakes many games.

    //edit: it worked with rb.position, thanks a lot for mentioning that!

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