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Fixed in 2018.3.X



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[Mobile] MeshSkinning.SkinOnGPU doesn't show up in the profiler



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project.
2. Set graphics API to OpenGLES3 in the Player Settings.
3. Toggle on GPU Skinning checkbox in the Player Settings.
4. Toggle on Development Build checkbox in the Build Settings.
5. Toggle on Autoconnect Profiler checkbox in the Build Settings.
6. Build the '0' scene to a mobile device.
7. Look for the 'MeshSkinning.SkinOnGPU' in the Profiler when the application starts.

Actual behavior:
- There is no 'MeshSkinning.SkinOnGPU' in the Profiler.
- It either doesn't work or profiler doesn't show it.

Reproduced with:
iOS, Android
5.6.6f2, 2017.1.4p2, 2017.2.3p2, 2017.4.7f1, 2018.1.8f1, 2018.2.0f2, 2018.3.0a5

Not reproducible with:

Tested with (Should be reproducible with any GLES3 device):
iPhone 7+ iOS 11.1.1,
Lge Nexus 5 (Nexus 5), Android 6.0.1, CPU: Snapdragon 800 MSM8974, GPU: Adreno (TM) 330

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2018.3):

    Fixed in Android and Metal. On GLES3 it is expected behavior.

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