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Under Consideration for 1.9.X



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[Meta XR All-in-One SDK] Controllers are not being tracked after using Hand Tracking when Meta XR All-in-One SDK is installed

Package: OpenXR Plugin


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj" with Android platform
2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/pauls.unity” Scene
3. Install Meta XR All-in-One SDK
4. Observe that you’ve Hand and body tracking enabled on the Quest 2
5. Build and Run on a Quest 2 device
6. In Player, observe that the controllers are tracked
7. Put down the controllers and observe that hands are being tracked
8. Pick up the controllers and try using them

Expected result: Controllers are tracked in the Player
Actual result: Controllers are not being tracked

Reproducible with: 1.7.0 (2022.3.2f1), 1.9.1 (2021.3.33f1, 2022.3.14f1)
Could not test with: 1.9.1 (2023.2.2f1, 2023.3.0a16) (Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.6\Scripts\Editor\TMP_PreBuildProcessor.cs(23,116): error CS1061: 'TMP_FontAsset' does not contain a definition for 'clearDynamicDataOnBuild' and no accessible extension method 'clearDynamicDataOnBuild' accepting a first argument of type 'TMP_FontAsset' could be found)

Reproducible on:
VLNQA00379, Oculus (Quest 2), Android 10, CPU: Snapdragon XR2, GPU: Adreno (TM) 650

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Reproduces with OpenGLES3 and Vulkan Graphics APIs
- Reproduces in Play Mode
- Reproducible only when Meta XR All-in-One SDK is installed

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