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Meta files are not re-added in the Perforce after they've are recreated by Unity
Reproduction steps:
1. Setup Perforce Server and a Workspace
2. Create an empty project under the Workspace root
3. Create a new folder in the Assets folder
4. In the Perforce Workspace right-click on the .meta file of the folder created in step 3
5. Select Revert and in the newly opened window checkmark the first option and click Revert
6. In the popup click Delete Files
7. Return back to Unity
8. In Perforce click Refresh
9. In Perforce observe the Assets folder
Expected result: The reverted .meta file is readded to the depot
Actual result: The reverted .meta file is not readded to the depot
Reproducible with: 2019.4.29f1
Could not test with: 2020.3.16f1, 2021.1.17f1, 2021.2.0b6, 2022.1.0a5 (in step 7, returning to Unity deletes the folder itself)
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Resolution Note:
2020 and upper versions has not this problem.