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Meshes are not rendered in Game View when replacing certain shaders with Camera.SetReplacementShader and an empty replacementTag

Shader System


How to reproduce:
1. Open user-submitted project (
2. Open the SampleScene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Click each of the buttons to see the varying results for Camera.SetReplacementShader

Expected result: both cubes are rendered in all 3 scenarios
Actual result: only one cube is rendered(depending on scenario)

Reproducible with: 2018.4.27f1, 2019.4.11f1, 2020.1.6f1, 2020.2.0b3

The 3 buttons in Game View cause the following results:
1) Cube is using [Particles/Standard Unlit] shader. SetReplacementShader([Standard], null) is called. Cube is no longer being rendered in Game View(but it appears in Frame Debugger under LoopRenderJob)
2) Cube is using [Particles/Standard Unlit] shader. SetReplacementShader([Unlit/Color], null) is called. Cube is no longer being rendered in Game View and does NOT appear under RenderLoopJob in Frame Debugger.
3) Cube is using [Standard] shader. SetReplacementShader([Particles/Standard Unlit], null) is called. Cube is no longer being rendered in Game View(but it appears in Frame Debugger under LoopRenderJob

  1. Resolution Note (2021.1.X):

    Cases 1 and 3 are rendered properly if the Camera clear flags are not set to Skybox. This is due to objects being rendered with a different render queue after setting the replacement shader (Opaque vs Transparent).
    In case 2 the original material (Particles/Standard Unlit) explicitly disables rendering pass "Always", which is the only pass available in the replacement shader.

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