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[State Machine] Mecanim enters a state in the statemachine when it has no entry transitions



How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project ("")
2. Open SampleScene scene
3. Select AnimationTest Game Object in Hierarchy
4. Open Animator window (Window->Animation->Animator)
5. Select Full Body Override in Layers tab
6. Enter Phone Idle state (Phone Animations->Phone Interactions->Phone Idle)

Expected result: Phone Idle1 state is never reached
Actual result: Phone Idle1 state is reached

Reproducible with: 2017.4.33f1, 2018.4.12f1, 2019.2.11f1, 2019.3.0b8, 2020.1.0a9

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is by design :
    Phone Idle 1 is the default state for the parent state machine Phone Interactions.

    This can be seen by clicking on the entry state of the "Phone Interaction" state. In the inspected, the Default state is indicated as "Phone Idle 1", instead of the wanted "Random Selector".

    To fix this, go into the interactions state, select the default state and make a default transition to the Random Selector.

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