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Fixed in 5.4.0



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Issue ID




Materials lose reference to textures if loaded from Asset Bundles


How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene Scenes/AtlasedSpriteParticleTest.unity
3. Go to Build/AssetBundle
4. Play the scene
- Note how the particles have no textures

Comments (34)

  1. MikeHergaarden

    Nov 04, 2015 14:20

    Still around in 5.3b5 (All assetbundle objects are pink if their shader is in a seperate assetbundle).
    This is greatly hurting our performance and builds.

  2. MikeHergaarden

    Nov 04, 2015 09:15

    Major issue.

  3. rxmarccall

    Oct 26, 2015 20:09

    This issue has been around for years if you do a google search, PLEASE fix this ASAP!

  4. polytropoi

    Oct 22, 2015 15:22


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