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Under Consideration for 6000.0.X



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Material warnings are thrown in the Console when creating a project using Cinematic Studio Template



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Create a new project using Cinematic Studio Template

2. Observe the Console after the project creation is finished

*Actual results:* Material warnings are thrown in the Console after Project loads

*Expected results:* Warnings are thrown in the Console stating texture properties are not suppoerted by 2D SRP Batcher

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.19f1

*Tested on (OS):* MacBook Pro, 2021 - Sonoma 14.6 (M1)

Material ‘Crochets_B’ has _TexelSize / _ST texture properties which are not supported by 2D SRP Batcher. SRP batching will be disabled for 2D Renderers using this Material.”
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) {code}
Material ‘Title_R’ has _TexelSize / _ST texture properties which are not supported by 2D SRP Batcher. SRP batching will be disabled for 2D Renderers using this Material.” {code}

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