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Fixed in 2021.2.X

Fixed in 2019.4.X, 2020.3.X



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Issue ID




[LowHangingFruit] Material is applied to two slots when applying Material to a single slot while recording Animation



How to reproduce:
1. Open user's attached "VRC_Mishe_mod3" project
2. Open "SampleScene" Scene
3. Open Animation window (Window->Animation->Animation)
4. In Project window open Assets->Mishe_custom->Materials
5. In the Hierarchy expand "Mishe_custom" Prefab and select "body"
6. In the Inspector under Skinned Mesh Renderer component expand Materials
7. Start recording in the Animation window
8. Drag "M_hair" material to Element 2 slot in the Inspector
9. Drag "M_facial expressions" to Element 4 slot in the Inspector

Expected result: "M_facial expressions" Material is applied only to the Element 4
Actual result: "M_facial expressions" Material is applied to both Element 2 and Element 4

Reproducible with: 2018.4.22f1, 2019.3.12f1, 2020.1.0b8, 2020.2.0a10
Could not test with: 2017.4.40f1 because of missing Prefab

Note: Once material is applied on Element 4, Element 2 material cannot be changed.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.2):

    Fixed in 2021.2.0a17

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.3):

    Fixed in Unity 2020.3.25f1

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.4):

    Fixed in Unity 2019.4.39f1

Comments (8)

  1. LucasReis

    May 22, 2024 19:20

    Had this same issue with Unity 2022.3.22f1, it seems like it's not fixed yet

  2. Zunth5

    Jun 03, 2022 13:05

    Any chance we can get this Implemented in 2019.4.X ? Literally lost hours of time trying to figure out a workaround thinking there was something wrong with my export from blender. I understand VRC isnt exactly using the latest and greatest, but this bug is a huge pain and the solution seems to already be known.

  3. ShingenPizza

    Dec 23, 2021 20:07

    "Yeah this but shows up when animating 2 and 4 material slots, (...)"
    So... just "this"?
    Because it's already talking about animating slots #2 and #4, and as i specified, happens not only in recording.

  4. g6qwerty

    Dec 05, 2021 06:57

    Yeah this but shows up when animating 2 and 4 material slots, so you have slots 0 to 4.
    So when you animate slot 4 it instead puts slot 4 where slot 2 should be and doesn't animate slot 4 at all when you play back the animation. Running Unity 2019.4.31f

  5. ShingenPizza

    May 16, 2021 03:55

    Alright, i just checked it in 2021.2.0a17 and i can confirm that it's fixed - at least my case is.
    Now... where are my backports? :P
    Come on, it can't be that hard. The fix was 'in review' for a month, and i don't recall it ever being 'in progress' in the 2 weeks after i revived it despite checking regularly.

  6. ShingenPizza

    Apr 19, 2021 16:37

    I just wanna add that this bug report is kinda too specific.
    It doesn't only work incorrectly during "recording" an animation, but i think always when you try to change material #2 and #4 (counting from 0) at the same time. From my workaround attempts it also appears when you try to change them in separate animation files on separate layers of the animator.
    I hope it'll all get fixed together.

    My version of the events is described in your internal bugtracker case 1324418.

    Overall, I'm glad this issue has moved forward, and i hope to see backported fixes for v2019, since that's what VRChat may soon be using, and ChilloutVR uses already, and these are the places where this fix will help hundreds of avatar creators.

  7. Pastacotta

    Apr 16, 2021 22:46

    Just fix it already, it's so annoying

  8. EllieXY

    Apr 08, 2021 12:39

    This issue also persists when playing the animation.

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