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Material becomes transparent when it's away from a light source



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Enter the Play Mode
3. Pick up the candle on the ground to see your environment better
4. Go forward until there's an entrance to your right, then wait for both skeletons (one at the end of the path, the other one in the room) to chase you
5. Go back a few steps so you’re away from the floor torch

Expected result: Both skeletons appear normal
Actual result: Skeleton from the room (GameObject "Enemy (2)") appears transparent/black

Reproduced with: 2021.3.29f1, 2022.3.7f1, 2023.1.9f1, 2023.2.0b5

Reproducible on: Windows 10, Windows 11 (user’s)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested


* Reproducible in Player
* Only the wall torches and floor torches are relevant for the reproduction of this issue, as candlelight doesn’t seem to have any effect

  1. Resolution Note:

    We took a look at the attached project and we were able to reproduce the issue.

    The problem turned out to be that the skeletons are marked as static (more precisely, Occlusion Static). This tells Unity's occlusion system that these object will not move. But in fact, they do move, so this contract is violated and this is what is causing unexpected results.

    We removed all static flags from the skeletons and cleared the occlusion data (see Window > Rendering > Occlusion Culling) and the issue went away. Once you have marked up all skeletons correctly, you may want to rebake occlusion data in Window > Rendering > Occlusion Culling for optimal performance.

    So we believe the system is working as designed.

    A general advice: You are using the Forward renderer in a scene with many lights. Generally, Forward doesn't handle many lights well, so you may want to switch to Deferred renderer instead. This should improve your overall frame-rate.

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