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[MacOS/Linux] Updating EditorApplication.isPlaying focuses Editor



Reproduction steps:
1. Install the Rider code editor.
2. Create a new Unity project.
3. Go to "Unity > Preferences > External Tools".
4. Set "External Script Editor" to JetBrains Rider.
5. Create a new script.
6. Open it.
7. Play and stop a scene in the Unity Editor.
8. Click the green 'Play/Edit' button in the Rider Editor (Screenshot attached).

Actual behavior:
- Unity Editor will be focused.

Expected behavior:
- The Editor doesn't focus.

Reproduced with:
2018.1.7f1, 2018.2.0b10, 2018.3.0a3

- Windows prohibits all applications to focus by themselves.

  1. Resolution Note (2019.3.X):

    Entering playmode causing the editor to focus is by design.

Comments (1)

  1. Rich0

    Jul 25, 2018 09:20

    I find this *very* frustrating from a usability perspective. Unity IDE focus is also triggered twice during the compile process. This means when you save a file in your editor of choice it will refocus unity. Not to mention after compile the IDE appears over Xcode due to refocus - requiring a click to get it back. My normal behaviour is to browse the web while compiling, again, frustrating to have the browser pushed behind unity during the process. I can't stress enough how much more painful this makes the developer experience from my perspective during long compiles.

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