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Fixed in 2019.1.X



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[Mac] Package manager error occurs while resolving packages on creating a new project



Package manager error window appears on creating a new project while resolving packages. The user is able to create the project but errors regarding unresolved packager appear in the console.

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Launch the Editor.
2. Create a new project.

Expected result: A new project should be created.

Observed Result: A popup regarding package manager error appears.

Reproducible On: 2019.1.0a2

Works Fine On: 2019.1.0a1

Environment: Occurs only on mac.

Stack Trace: An error occurred while resolving packages:
Package com.unity.modules.core@1.0.0 has invalid dependencies:
com.unity.modules.core: A package cannot have a dependency on itself
Package com.unity.modules.sharedinternals@1.0.0 has invalid dependencies:
com.unity.modules.sharedinternals: A package cannot have a dependency on itself

A re-import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of /Users/macmini6/Documents/UnityTEstPRojects/New Unity Project (14)/Packages/manifest.json file.

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