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[Mac] Keyboard key freezes in pressed state in the New Input System when keys are pressed quickly on low FPS

Package: Input System


How to reproduce:
1. Open user's attached "" project
2. Open "SampleScene" Scene (Assets/Scenes)
3. Go to Window -> Analysis -> Input Debugger
4. Double-click on the Keyboard in the Input Debugger window
5. Make sure the Keyboard window would be visible during Play Mode
6. Adjust the Input Debugger Controls section, so the Right Arrow key's value is visible
7. Enter Play Mode
8. Press Left Arrow key 3 times then Right Arrow key 3 times quickly
9. Observe the Game view
10. Repeat 7-8 steps until you can see the Cube GameObject spinning without any input (Might take around 5 times)

Expected result: Cube GameObject doesn't start spinning without any input from the keyboard
Actual result: Keyboard keys freeze in the pressed state, the value on the last keyboard key pressed is 1 (if starting with Left Arrow key and ending with Right Arrow key (step 7), then Right Arrow key's value should be 1) in the Keyboard window, even when nothing is being pressed

Reproducible with: 0.2.10-preview (2018.4.25f1), 0.9.0-preview (2019.4.5f1), 1.0.0-preview (2020.1.0b16), 1.0.0 (2020.2.0a18)

- The issue is only reproducible on low FPS (10-30)
- The issue is also reproducible with AD keys
- The issue is not reproducible on Windows OS
- In 0.9.0-preview the spinning continues infinitely, while on 1.0.0 only for a short period of time, might be infinitely in 1.0.0 also with AD keys (Couldn't reproduce with AD keys due to issues testing on remote Macs)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Experiments indicate that this is an OS bug that goes back until at least High Sierra, but has been resolved in Big Sur. If there is a case where this bug is hit in a standalone player, we can take another look. But we'd rather avoid adding code complexity to work around OS bugs where we don't have to.

Comments (2)

  1. ETGgames

    Jan 30, 2022 16:26

    same issue


    Jul 19, 2020 14:36

    I'm the issue originator. It seems the issue is reproducible for old input system as well. I tried to call Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") and got the same issue. So, maybe the problem is somewhere in Unity core and not in InputSystem package?

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