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[Mac] Horizontal axis input does not reset to 0 when A or D key is lifted

Package: Visual Scripting


*Reproducible on:*

How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "Game Jam Dec 2020 -" project
2. Open the "Level1" Scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Hold the A or D key and press the Pause button
5. Press the Step button couple of times

Expected result: The character doesn't move when pressing the Step button
Actual result: The character moves when pressing the Step button

Reproducible with: 1.4.13 (2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.17f1, 2020.1.17f1, 2020.2.1f1, 2021.1.0b1)

- The issue is also reproducible while pressing the A and D keys while playing, but the repro is inconsistent
- The issue is not reproducible on Windows
- The issue is only reproducible on Mac

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue is a Platform bug, not related to Bolt. The original issue was reopened

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