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Fixed in 4.6.X



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"m_PathToGUID.count(goodPath) == 0" error when reimporting example project

Module Manager


Steps to reproduce :

- import the "uGUI_Project_Beta_13"
- reimport all and notice the error in the console

Comments (7)

  1. Kaitlynjohn

    Aug 17, 2020 13:56

    I think this is a piece of happy news for those who were struggling with the issues stated above and they have shared a fix-it solution for it so those struggling may follow the steps they have provided which will help you to overcome this issue

  2. Nylaren

    Jul 21, 2020 18:03

    Thanks for the valid information you have provided here on fixing the issues in the project. I think this will be helpful for other Unity users who are having the same issue with the software. It was so helpful for us.

  3. joqinij

    Mar 15, 2019 11:41

    While the project of the exams which have errors of the different kind of the chapters while changing of the rules. Masters things of the really good enough to use for the all interest on the website to information about the re importing from the terms.

  4. douglasg14b

    Feb 16, 2015 20:44

    Switched from one branch to another in source control and after switching back to the main project I'm not getting this error. Previous branch was in 4.5 current branch is 4.6, was deleting the old branch but just switching to it and back seems to have broken things with the project.

  5. bodmin

    Sep 23, 2014 03:13

    I managed to resolve this issue for me by shutting down Unity and then deleting scripts.meta from the Assets directory. When I restarted the project, the errors were gone, and all my GameObjects retained their script connections, and I didn't need to re-import the game assets. The game ran perfectly in the editor.

  6. bodmin

    Sep 23, 2014 02:49

    Add to above comment. Happened with Beta 17

  7. bodmin

    Sep 23, 2014 02:47

    Happened to me on an original project I built from scratch. The project is about 4 days old, all native code, no 3rd party dll's, does contain uGui objects.

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