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[LWRP] Assigning Render Texture gives black Screen (only on build)

Graphics - General


SRP Repo: Issue #1575

What happened?
Getting black screen / UI disappearing (only on build) when using render texture set on secondary camera

Repro steps:

Create CameraA
Create CameraB - screen space mode
Create RenderTexture and assign it to CameraB
Editor Play Mode works
Build works

Editor Play Mode works
Build gives black screen / Worldspace UI disappears

From what I see, maybe it's depth issues ?..

Which package (Shader graph, LW, HDRP, Core...)?

Which package version or branch (1.1.8-preview, 2.0.0-preview, 2018.1, 2018.1-experiment, 2108.2...)?

Unity version, operating system, target platform (standalone windows, mac, iOS, PS4...)?
Unity 2018.1.5.f1, 2018.2.b9 (probably all as it's more linked to LWRP anyway...)
Standalone Windows64bits

@Immudelki Immudelki referenced this issue 20 days ago
[LWRP] Multiple cameras + Render Texture causes uGUI disappears on iOS #1161

Comments (3)

  1. DennisBest

    Jun 02, 2020 21:48

    yes it's still happening

  2. reFuseN

    Nov 20, 2018 15:04

    I have this issue in Unity 2018.2.15f1 with LWRP 3.0.0 and ShaderGraph 3.0.0
    Does anyone know if I can use my ShaderGraph shaders without LWRP?

  3. keilovergames

    Sep 16, 2018 17:57

    Having same issue, Incredibly frustrating

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