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Fixed in 1.3.2, 1.4.0-exp.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Localization Table Editor does not remove extra rows when opening CSV file with lower rows count

Package: Localization Package


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project 'LocalizationIssue'
2. Open the 'Assets/Localization/TextsTable' asset
3. In the Inspector click on the 'Open' button and open the 'CSV/TextsTable1.csv' file
4. In the Inspector click on the 'Open in Table Editor'
5. Note that 2 lines are imported
6. In the Inspector click on the 'Open' button and open the 'CSV/TextsTable2.csv' file
7. In the Inspector click on the 'Open in Table Editor'

Expected result: only one line is displayed in the Table Editor
Actual result: two lines are displayed in the Editor however the TextsTable2.csv contains only one

Reproducible with: 1.0.4, 1.0.5 (2019.4.34f1, 2020.3.25f1, 2021.2.7f1, 2022.1.0b2)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.4.0-exp.1):

    Fixed in 1.4.0-exp.1

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