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[Linux] DllNotFoundException: cound not load dll occurs when loading a dll that depends on another dll



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Enter play mode (reproduced only on first entering for me) or build Linux player (100% repro rate)

Results: DllNotFoundException: could not load libbass, no sound playing
Expected results: Dll loads successfully, a sound plays.

Reproduced on: 2017.1.1f1, 2017.2.0f3 2017.3.0f1

Note: Editor log contains an error "undefined symbol BASS_GetVersion", which is in file ( depends on it), it is likely the cause of this issue.

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    Seems like a user problem: lib2 depended on lib1, but it did not list lib1 as a dependency, so lib2 could get loaded first and and symbol lookup could fail

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