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[iOS] iPhone X "RenderTexture.Create failed: requested size is too large." error on Gles2 Graphics API



Steps to reproduce:
1) Download attached project and open in Unity
2) Make sure Gles2 is set in the Player Settings
3) Build and Run "ExampleScene-Player" scene on a device
4) Observe white screen and error message printed in the logs:
RenderTexture.Create failed: requested size is too large.
UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline.LightweightPipeline:Render(ScriptableRenderContext, Camera[])

Expected result: Scene should be rendered, models should be visible
Actual result: White screen

Reproduced with:
2018.3.0a5, 2018.3.0a6

Device under testing:
000069 iPhone X

Lightweight render pipeline version: 3.0.0

Not reproduced using Gles3 or Metal graphics APIs

  1. Resolution Note:

    Please set Render Scale in LWSRP asset file to a lower value until you see the expected result.
    OpenGLES2 doesn't support textures bigger sizes on iOS (max RenderTexture size is 4096 due to OpenGLES2 limitations)

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