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Fixed in 5.4.3
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[iOS] GameCenterPlatform.ShowLeaderboardUI is not showing the specific leaderboard
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create and setup an app with 2 Game Center leaderboards in iTunes Connect (with ids "leaderboard1" and "leaderboard2")
2. Build and run the attached project to an iOS device
3. Wait a few moments for GameCenter to Authenticate
4. Report a test score to both leaderboards using the "Leaderboard Report" buttons (left)
5. Try viewing the individual scores, using the "Show leaderboard" buttons (right)
Expected behaviour: Individual score page for the specific leaderboards should be displayed
Actual behaviour: Default page for all leaderboards is shown, and player needs to manually select which leaderboard to display
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Dec 18, 2017 10:56
GameCenterPlatform.ShowLeaderboardUI(leaderboardId, UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope timeScope);
its method refrence can solve the issue.