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[Mobile] Crash on UnloadAssetBundle when calling AssetBundle.Unload()



How to reproduce:
1. Open the "" project with iOS or Android platform
2. Assets > Build AssetBundles
3. Build & Run the project to a device

Actual result: Unity crashes.

Reproducible with: 2017.4.35f1, 2018.4.14f1, 2019.2.14f1, 2019.3.0b11, 2020.1.0a15.

Devices reproducible with:
- iPhone7+ (iOS 11.4.1)
- iPhone 11 (iOS 13.0)
- VLNQA00229 Oneplus OnePlus6T 9 Snapdragon 845 SDM845 Adreno (TM) 630

- Not reproducible on Mac Standalone (Both Mono and IL2CPP).
- The issue reproduces only if "Strip Engine Code" is enabled in Player Settings.
- The issue is not reproducible if "Assets/ProductDemo/ResourcesNO" folder is renamed to "Resources".
- The issue only reproduces if "Animator" component is attached to the prefab.

  1. Resolution Note (2020.2.X):

    Strip Engine Code does remove all engine features that aren't used in the game. By default this will strip features that are only used by asset bundles resulting in problem in bundles. In Unity 2020.2 (trunk) I don't get a crash, but get errors about failure to produce class.
    In any case, user should make sure features used in asset bundles are not stripped by either providing link.xml file or by using those features, for example by adding a dummy scene to game where those features are used.

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