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Fixed in 2018.1.X
Fixed in 2017.4.X
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Issue ID
[iOS] Build fails with an error "DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone"
Reproduction Steps:
1. Open User's project
2. Build to iOS
3. Notice that build failed
DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone
Included from scene:
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone
Included from scene:
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Expected behaviour: Build completes successfully
Reproduced on versions: Unity 2017.3.0f3, 2017.3.0p3
Did not reproduce on versions: Unity 2018.1.0b4, 2017.3.0f2, 2017.2.1p2
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Feb 07, 2020 16:20
I found the issue! If you're using Default-Checker-Gray, the build will fail on iOS.
Feb 07, 2020 15:07
Not fixed in 2019.2. Come on, guys. This is ludicrous.
Jan 22, 2020 11:05
Hi everyone.
We are facing the same issue building for IOs:
DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone
Included from scene:
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
There is any way to delete all references to Resources/unity_builtin_extra?
i have checked all across the hierarchy and removed all uses, but build still failed.
also tried to delete the components in the canvas and the canvas itself, the build succeeded in this case. so the problem is still in the canvas
Jan 02, 2020 15:08
Still an issue at 2019.3.x - but thank you @UNITY_CBPSC0SA9JZR1W that fixed it for me.
Dec 31, 2019 15:50
Hi guys! I am having this issue and I am new to unity too, I don't know where to find this "native textures" can help with this please?
Nov 10, 2019 17:09
For those ppl who have this issue and using ES2/ES3 (Easy Save) plugin. Just delete easy save manager from hierarchy, not from asset. This manager will appears again imediatly, but issue will be solved.
Oct 15, 2019 21:14
My solution was the same as @unity_CbPSc0Sa9jzr1w using a native texture as a texture.
Oct 10, 2019 07:12
I also had the same problem
"DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone
Included from scene: ".
After researching about an hour I figured out the error reason.
The error says that "Resources/unity_builtin_extra" is included from Scene.
In my project on some 3D object I used native texture.
So I stopped using that native texture and the build went well.
I hope this will help others as well.
Sep 27, 2019 01:45
Still happens in 2018.4.9f1
Jun 20, 2019 14:35
plaise help me same error but in unity 2019.3.0a5
Debug log :
DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone
Included from scene:
0 Unity 0x000000010f08213f _Z13GetStacktracei + 95
1 Unity 0x0000000111849a54 _Z17DebugStringToFileRK21DebugStringToFileData + 356
2 Unity 0x000000010e61d572 _Z23VerifyFeatureDeploymentP6Object19BuildTargetPlatform + 2082
3 Unity 0x000000010e613209 _Z16VerifyDeploymentP6Object19BuildTargetPlatform + 1273
4 Unity 0x000000010ef2fdcc _ZN17PersistentManager9WriteFileERKN4core12basic_stringIcNS0_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEEiPK9WriteDataiRK15GlobalBuildDataPF23VerifyWriteObjectResultP6Object19BuildTargetPlatformE20BuildTargetSelection24TransferInstructionFlagsR16WriteInformationPK18InstanceIDResolverNS_9LockFlagsE + 3084
5 Unity 0x000000010ef2f093 _ZN17PersistentManager9WriteFileERKN4core12basic_stringIcNS0_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEEiPK9WriteDataiRK15GlobalBuildDataPF23VerifyWriteObjectResultP6Object19BuildTargetPlatformE20BuildTargetSelection24TransferInstructionFlagsPK18InstanceIDResolverNS_9LockFlagsE + 179
6 Unity 0x000000010e61235b _Z20WriteSharedAssetFileiRKN4core12basic_stringIcNS_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEERKNSt3__13mapIi10BuildAssetNS6_4lessIiEENS6_9allocatorINS6_4pairIKiS8_EEEEEERK19BuildUsageTagGlobal20BuildTargetSelectionPFviR31LocalSerializedObjectIdentifierPvE24TransferInstructionFlagsRNS6_3setI12ResourceFileNS9_ISU_EENSB_ISU_EEEER10vector_mapIi26SerializedObjectIdentifierSA_NSB_INSC_IiS10_EEEEE + 1099
7 Unity 0x000000010e613597 _Z23CompileSharedAssetsFileiRKN4core12basic_stringIcNS_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEES5_RKNSt3__13mapIi10BuildAssetNS6_4lessIiEENS6_9allocatorINS6_4pairIKiS8_EEEEEERK19BuildUsageTagGlobalRK20BuildTargetSelection24TransferInstructionFlagsRNS6_3setI12ResourceFileNS9_ISR_EENSB_ISR_EEEER10vector_mapIi26SerializedObjectIdentifierSA_NSB_INSC_IiSX_EEEEERN14BuildReporting11BuildReportE + 135
8 Unity 0x000000010e62b966 _ZL15BuildPlayerData24BuildTargetPlatformGroup19BuildTargetPlatform18BuildPlayerOptionsRK16BuildCompressionNSt3__16vectorIN4core12basic_stringIcNS7_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEENS5_9allocatorISB_EEEEP20AssetBundleBuildDataRNS6_I17EditorSceneBackup13stl_allocatorISH_L18MemLabelIdentifier116ELi16EEEE18ScriptingObjectPtr8Vector2fRN14BuildReporting11BuildReportERKSB_PNSP_20BuiltAssetBundleInfoEST_ + 12038
9 Unity 0x000000010e600753 _Z13DoBuildPlayerRK16BuildPlayerSetupRNSt3__16vectorI17EditorSceneBackup13stl_allocatorIS4_L18MemLabelIdentifier116ELi16EEEEN4core12basic_stringIcNSA_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEENS3_ISE_NS2_9allocatorISE_EEEEbRN14BuildReporting11BuildReportEPNSI_20BuiltAssetBundleInfoERKSE_ + 3587
10 Unity 0x000000010e605196 _Z11BuildPlayerRK16BuildPlayerSetupRN14BuildReporting11BuildReportE + 4102
11 Unity 0x000000010f74fa94 _Z47BuildPipeline_CUSTOM_BuildPlayerInternalNoCheckP36ScriptingBackendNativeArrayPtrOpaqueP37ScriptingBackendNativeStringPtrOpaqueS2_24BuildTargetPlatformGroup19BuildTargetPlatform18BuildPlayerOptionsh + 1204
12 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildPlayerInternalNoCheck (string[],string,string,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,UnityEditor.BuildOptions,bool)
13 (Mono JIT Code) [BuildPlayerWindowBuildMethods.cs:170] UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow/DefaultBuildMethods:BuildPlayer (UnityEditor.BuildPlayerOptions)
14 (Mono JIT Code) [BuildPlayerWindowBuildMethods.cs:96] UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow:CallBuildMethods (bool,UnityEditor.BuildOptions)
15 (Mono JIT Code) [BuildPlayerWindow.cs:913] UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow:GUIBuildButtons (UnityEditor.Modules.IBuildWindowExtension,bool,bool,bool,UnityEditor.Build.BuildPlatform)