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Fixed in 4.6.X



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Issue ID




InputField Input Caret gets added to scene after applying changes to prefab



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open Test scene
3. Select Canvas
4. Press Alt and Left Arrow key to expand everything under that object
5. Click "Apply" to apply changes to the prefab
6. Notice that "InputField Input Caret" right under the Text game object

Comments (3)

  1. Arbelzapf

    Nov 13, 2014 18:54

    I still have this issue in 4.6.0f1

  2. Henning_Justare

    Nov 11, 2014 11:11

    I still have this issue in 4.6.0f1

  3. perchik

    Nov 10, 2014 16:58

    I still have this issue in 4.6.0f1

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