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[Input System] NotImplementedException is spammed and Input Debugger window is blank when vJoy is installed

Package: Input System


How to reproduce:
1. Install vJoy (
2. Create and open a new project
3. Install Input System package
4. Open Input Debugger window from Window > Analysis > Input Debugger

Expected result: Input Debugger window is shown
Actual result: Input Debugger window is blank and NotImplementedException errors are continuously spammed to the Console window

Reproducible with: 0.9.5-preview (2019.3.14f1), 0.9.6-preview (2020.1.0b9), 1.0.0 (2020.2.0a11)
Not reproducible with: 0.2.10-preview (2019.3.14f1), 0.9.4-preview (2019.3.14f1)
Could not test with: 0.1.2-preview (2018.4.23f1, Input System doesn't compile at all)

-On not reproducible versions the Input Debugger window works fine but opening the vJoy section throws an "ArgumentException: Trying to read more than 32 bits as int" error

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #1189859

    [InputSystem] Error when vJoy is installed

Comments (2)

  1. Houdini111

    May 15, 2020 16:17

    I'll also add that I was getting the NotImplementedException error every time I clicked on an action in the Input Action configuration window.

  2. Houdini111

    May 15, 2020 16:15

    I was also having issues with the new input system (I was getting this error message plus the Input Action configuration window's Action Properties column was empty) while I had vJoy installed. Uninstalling vJoy fixed both the issues.
    I tried on Unity versions2020.1.0a18 and 2020.1.0b8 with Input System 1.0.0 and the problem occurred on all of them until I uninstalled vJoy.

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