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Under Consideration for 1.11.X
Found in [Package]
Issue ID
Input Recorder does not play the recording when UIToolkit is used and the Game view is not focused
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj"
2. Open the “/Assets/Samples/Input System/1.11.2/Input Recorder/InputRecorderSample.unity” Scene
3. Enter the Play Mode
4. In Hierarchy, select the “InputRecorder“ GameObject
5. In Inspector, click the record button
6. In the Game view, click the Button with the text “Green“
7. Click the Button with the text “Blue“
8. Tick and untick the checkbox a couple of times
9. Enter the “321“ in the Input Field
10. In Inspector, stop the recording
11. Play the recording
Expected result: Recording plays without clicking the Game view and the change in the Input Field is recorded
Actual result: Recording is only played after clicking the Game view and the change in Input Field is not recorded
Reproducible with: 1.8.0 (2022.3.47f1), 1.11.2 (2022.3.55f1, 6000.0.33f1, 6000.1.0a9)
Reproducible on:
Play Mode
Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2, macOS 15.1.1 24B2091 Darwin 24.1.0
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested
- When testing with macOS, moving the mouse cursor on the Game view instead of clicking it, might be enough to play the recording
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