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[Input System] Multiplayer Event System doesn't prevent navigating to game objects that are nested under another player's prefab

Package: Input System


Reproduction steps:
1. Open project in ""
2. Open "GameplayScene"
3. Connect a controller to your device (tested with Dualshock 4 v2 via USB)
4. Enter Play Mode
5. Press some buttons on the controller and on the mouse (screen will split in 2)
6. Press the OPTIONS button on the controller to bring out UI for the controller
7. Press Tab to bring out UI for mouse and keyboard
8. Try to navigate to the Controller UI using keyboard arrow keys

Expected result: You cannot navigate to controller UI using the keyboard because you cannot navigate over the controller UI using the mouse
Actual result: Using the arrow keys on the keyboard you will be able to navigate over controller UI (IMPORTANT, read note below)

Reproducible with: 1.1.0-preview.3 (2020.3.6f1, 2021.1.6f1, 2021.2.0a15)
Could not test with 2018.4.34f1, 2019.4.25f1 because could not downgrade the project

Note: The same issue can occur when trying to navigate over the mouse and keyboard UI using the controller analog stick

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