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[Input] Keys on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard and keys in the numeric keypad return the same KeyCode



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the “KeyTest” project
2. Open “SampleScene” scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Observe the text in the top left corner when pressing the ‘7’ key on the numeric keypad
5. Observe the text in the top left corner when pressing the '7’ key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard

Expected result: “D7” key is true when pressing ‘7’ key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard and “Keypad7” key is true when pressing ‘7’ key on the numeric keypad
Actual result: Both ‘7’ key on numeric keypad and '7’ key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard returns “D7” true

Reproducible with: 2020.3.43f1, 2021.3.16f1, 2022.1.0a14
Not reproducible with: 2022.1.0a15, 2022.2.1f1, 2023.1.0a24

Reproduced on: macOS Monterey 12.2 (Intel)
Not reproduced on: Windows 10

Note: The issue is reproducible in both Editor and in a build

  1. Resolution Note:

    Please use "Enable Physical Keys" in Project Settings -> Input Manager to resolve this issue. The setting is enabled by default from 2022 onwards.

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