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ImGUI vector3 / vector2 alignment for short wided inspector break readability

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Step to reproduce:
1 - Display an Inspector that show a Vector2 or a Vector3 using EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (example Collider)
2 - Shorten the wide of the Inspector to the minimal

Expected: All should remain on the same line as it is done in Transform

What happened: It is displayed on two lines for some component.

Additional notes:
- Transform also use a EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(SerializedProperty, GUIContent). I dunno exactly why it remains on one line. I suspect it is linked to the length of the labels.
- Also happens with EditorGUI.MultiFloatField(Rect, GUIContent, GUIContent[], float[])

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue is more design oriented that is subjective to users. Having all the fields in one line with a narrow inspector might not be practical/usable at times.

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