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[HDRP][Water] Unable to access documentation when pressed on "WaterSystem" in the Inspector window in Samples Showcase description



Steps to reproduce:
1. Create new project using High Definition 3D Template
2. Import Water Samples (PM > High Definition RP > Samples > Water Samples > Import)
3. Once imported, open Glacier.scene Scene (Assets > Samples > High Definition RP > 17.0.3 > Water Samples > Scenes)
4. In the Hierarchy window select "Water Sample Description" GameObject
5. In the Inspector, in the Samples Showcase description press on "WaterSystem"

Actual results: The link does nothing
Expected results: The link should open documentation about Water in HDRP ([link|])

Reproducible with versions: 17.0.3 (6000.0.10f1)

Tested on (OS): MacBook Pro, 2021 (M1), Sonoma 14.5

The link "WaterSamples" also should have a space between these two words.

  1. Resolution Note:

    already fixed

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