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HDRP Refraction flickers when using the Temporal Anti-aliasing (TAA)

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project "Refraction"
2. Open the "OutdoorsScene" Scene
3. Select the "Main Camera" GameObject in the Hierarchy window
4. Set the Post Anti-aliasing to "Temporal Anti-aliasing (TAA)"
5. Enter Play mode

Expected result: Objects under the refraction effect don't flicker
Actual result: Objects under the refraction effect flicker

Reproducible with: 10.3.2 (2020.3.0f1), 10.8.1 (2020.3.30f1), 12.1.5 (2021.2.14f1), 13.1.6 (2022.1.0b10), 14.0.0 (2022.2.0a6)
Could not test with: 7.7.1 (2019.4.36f1) - errors in the Console window

  1. Resolution Note:

    The problem is that the color pyramid that refraction samples are built of course starting from the jittered scene color, this can be sorted out by TAA later when the smoothness is low and the jittering is akin to the one used in the rest of the frame; however, as the pyramid reaches lower mips the jittering is less predictable and TAA cannot fully resolve it.

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