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[HDRP] Particles with a HDRP Lit Material have incorrect motion vectors

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Reproduction steps:
1. Open project in "" and open "SampleScene.unity"
2. There is a Particle System in the Scene and it uses a Material HDRP Lit
3. Post Process Volume has Motion Blur Override
4. Open both Scene and Game view windows
5. Enter Play Mode

Expected result: Motion Vectors will be applied correctly in both Game and Scene view
Actual result: in Game view Motion Vectors are incorrect

Reproducible with: HDRP 4.10.0 (2018.4.15f1), HDRP 6.9.2 (2019.2.17f1), HDRP 7.1.7 (2019.3.0f4, 2020.1.0a18)

1. Reproducible in both Build and Editor
2. I was able to reproduce it using only HDRP Lit Material
3. Could not reproduce it using URP materials (or Materials made from Shader Graphs)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Not reproducible in 2019.4, 2020.1, 2020.2 with any HDRP version available

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