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[HDRP] Mesh artifacts are drawn with CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced when using a ShaderGraph or some of the HDRP Materials

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "" project
2. Open the "DevRoom1" Scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Press the left mouse button couple of times
5. Press the Pause button
6. Set the Shading Mode to Wireframe in the Scene view
7. Observe the Meshes in the Scene view

Expected result: No Mesh artifacts
Actual result: Mesh artifacts are drawn

Reproducible with: 10.5.0 (2020.3.10f1), 11.0.0 (2021.1.8f1), 12.0.0 (2021.2.0a17)
Could not test with: 7.6.0 (Assets\Rendering\TestRenderFeature.cs(14,30): error CS0115: 'TestRenderFeature.CustomRenderPass.OnCameraSetup(CommandBuffer, ref RenderingData)': no suitable method found to override)

- The issue is not reproducible with HDRP/Unlit
- The issue is reproducible with Shader Graph and HDRP/Lit/Simple Lit Materials

  1. Resolution Note:
    You're passing -1 to the CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced() shaderPass call, which causes it to render all passes.
    I think it doesn't repro with Unlit because that shader doesn't have a shadowcaster pass.

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