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Fixed in 10.x



Found in [Package]

9.0.0 preview.33.

Issue ID




[HDRP] Error assigning 2D texture to CUBE texture property on saving the DefaultCompositeGraph after adding Cubemap property

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


-Error assigning 2D texture to CUBE texture property on saving the DefaultCompositeGraph after adding Cubemap property.
-On adding Texture2d, Texure2DArray and Texture 3d also throwing errors.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new HDRP template project
2. Windows > Render Pipeline > HD Render Pipeline Compositor.
3. Enable Compositor > Project Window > Assets/Compositor.
4. Open DefaultCompositionGraph > Blackboard > Add Cubemap.
5. Click on Save asset.

Actual Result:
Error assigning 2D texture to CUBE texture property errors in the console.

Expected Result:
No error in the console.

Reproducible in:
2020.2.0a19, 2020.1.0f1, 2020.1.0b13 with Package version 9.0.0 preview.33.

Note: HDRP Compositor window introduced in 9.0.0 preview.33.

Occurring only on Windows 10.

Error assigning 2D texture to CUBE texture property 'Cubemap_e3be2004c0f74773b7499645aa132739': Dimensions must match
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 10.x):

    Fixed in: Package version: 10.1.0

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