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[HDRP] Console erros spamming when adding rendering API OpenGLCore or OpenGLES to the rendering API liston Win 11



Repro steps:
* create new project with HDRP 3D template
* open Project Settings
* add OpenGL Core to the Rendering API list (no need to switch rendering API)
* notice the console has errors now:

Shader error in 'StageSetupSegment': syntax error: unexpected token '#' at kernel Main at (12)/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@15.0.4/Runtime/ShaderLibrary/ShaderVariablesFunctions.hlsl(115) (on glcore)

Note: if you add OpenGLES as well, there will be even more errors and warnings:

Shader warning in 'GenSdfRayMap': Buffer count exceeding default GL_MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS. Shader might not work on all hw. Consider combining separate buffers into one containing struct elements. at kernel ClearTexturesAndBuffers (on gles3)


Reproducible in: 2023.1.0a1, 2023.2.0a7, 2023.1.0b8

Cannot repro in 2022.2.12f1 or 2022.2.0f1


Likely regressed version: 2023.1.0a1

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