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HDRI is seen from the inside of an object when using reflective surfaces



Reproduction steps:
1. Open project “IN-28095_HDRP Test 2”
2. Open scene “Cube Test w Pines“
3. Enable “Mirrorted Cube” GameObject
4. Enter Play mode and use WASD to move inside the enabled cube

Expected result: no HDRI is seen from the inside of the cube
Actual result: HDRI is seen from the inside of the cube

Reproducible with: 2021.3.19f1, 2022.2.7f1, 2023.1.0b4, 2023.2.0a2
Couldn’t test with: 2020.3.45f1 (due to compiler errors)

Reproducible on: macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (Intel), Windows 10 (by the reporter)

- Also reproducible in Standalone Player
- Reproducible with both URP and HDRP

  1. Resolution Note:

    Hello, we have marked this bug as won't fix since, by default, this behavior is completely expected if you aren't using reflection probes or ray tracing to solve the complex inter-reflections that can occur within arbitrary enclosed geometry.

    1) With reflection probes, you can place a probe at the centroid of your geometry and set a Blend Normal Distance to be less than the extent of the cube's faces. This will reject the probe's contribution on the outside faces of the cube, while maintaining the complete specular occlusion when you are inside of it.
    2) Alternatively you can enable Ray Traced Reflections and set the last bounce to Reflection Probes or None, or set the Bounce Count to a very high value (poor performance).

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