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HDR cubemaps are not compressed when switching platforms, and changing Lightmap Encoding settings



Steps to reproduce:

1. Make sure that you have Android and/or iOS platform support installed
2. Open "case1264654-BiRP-modified" project
3. Inspect one of the following HDR cubemap textures:
a. lightroom_14b
b. lightroom_14b_diffuse
c. lightroom_14b_specular
4. Take note of the encoding format they use
5. Switch to another editor platform (File > Build and Run > Switch Platform)
6. Navigate to Project Settings > Player > Lightmap Encoding
7. Change Lightmap Encoding preset for the selected platform
8. Select one of those textures again
9. Notice that at least one of them will no longer be compressed


- Reproduces in: 2022.1.0a14
- Does not seem to affect LDR cubemaps and reflection probe cubemaps
- Deleting the library folder and reimporting the project fixes the issue

  1. Resolution Note (2022.1.X):

    This is a corner case which is difficult to consistently reproduce. Given its low impact, we will be closing it as a Won't Fix.

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