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[Handles] Handles on certain component bounding volumes are not drawn correctly when negatively scaled



Handles on certain component bounding volumes are not drawn correctly when their parent GameObject is negatively scaled.

When editing the bounding volumes of certain components, the editor handles won't be drawn correctly if the component is attached to an object with a negative scale. The handles of the faces that are facing the camera are dimmed while the handles that are facing away from the camera are bright - this is incorrect. Note that this issue affects the following components:

- Occlusion Portal
- Light Probe Proxy Volume
- Skinned Mesh Renderer

It does NOT affect other components that contain bounds that can be edited.

1. Open the attached project
2. Go to ManualTestScenes > BoxBoundsHandle.scene
3. Go to the scene hierarchy and expand the object group "Root - Scale All Negative"
4. Select the Occlusion Portal, Light Probe Proxy Volume or Skinned Mesh Renderer objects
5. Edit the bounding volumes of the object
6. The handles of the faces that are facing the camera are dimmed while the handles that are facing away from the camera are bright - this is incorrect

  1. Resolution Note (2019.3.X):

    This cosmetic issue is very low in our priority list and will be closed as won't fix. We don't recommend working in negative scale, we'll reconsider if this problem is getting more traction by the community.

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