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Under Consideration for 12.1.X, 14.0.X



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half point precision causes stutter in shader

Package: Shader Graph


When using *Half point precision* on the Android platform in 2021/2022, the *time node* causes stutter {*}after a couple of minutes{*}. This does not happen with *2020* or with *2019* and their accompanying latest shader graph versions. 

To reproduce it i have build a simple shader that slides (a version with frac or modulo can also be made the result is the same) assign it to a plane or sphere. and go into play mode. After a couple of minutes of sliding it starts to "drop frames" and stutter. Not the actual viewport but the shader itself. It seems as if there is a precision problem but even half precision should have enough "time" to go for a couple of hours before it starts having floating point precision issues. 
This does only happen with the time output not with sine time or the others. 

I have also attached a video with a similar shader that should rotate smoothly but it has the same issue. 

Feel free to contact me for more information. 

 slack thread:


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