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[MacOS][GPU PLM] Baking on macOS produces incorrect lighting in HDRP template



Baking HDRP template on High preset Mac GPU results in incorrect lighting.

Reproduction steps:
1) Open HDRP template on 2021.2.10f1
2) In the lighting check that High preset is used for baking
3) Bake the lighting using GPU

Result: One of the columns is black (attaching an image)
Expected result: I have the same project baked on the same machine, but with CPU. All columns look the same. Attaching an image.

Additional notes:
- Issue does not reproduce on windows
- Issued does not reproduce if CPU is used for baking
- Issue on GPU is consistent, baked 3 times to make sure.
- GPU used was AMD Radeon Pro 560X
- Might be lightmap tiling-related

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