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[Freeze] Generate Lightmap UV's takes too long on certain model

Progressive Lightmapper


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project.
2. Select the wallCanyon_01LoA asset in the assets folder.
3. Open the model tab in the inspector
4. Select Generate Lightmap UV's & hit apply
5. Unity freezes

Reproduced with Windows 10 (64 bit) on 5.3.0b3 (b6181bece87a) and 5.2.1f1 (44735ea161b3)
OSX 10.11 using 5.3.0f1 (b948b362cb65)

Comments (26)

  1. softone

    Feb 22, 2016 18:41

    I can confirm that also 5.3.2p4 effectively hangs for several hours with certains models. Would it be possible to make this non-blocking and add some kind of progress or "alive" meter?

  2. Actiview

    Feb 01, 2016 12:02

    Encountering same problem!!! Please FIX THIS, I can't bake my scene like this...

  3. piojox11

    Jan 29, 2016 10:45

    I just upgraded, and importing these assets still hangs the editor in Unity 5.3.2.

  4. cgoodrow

    Jan 22, 2016 22:47

    This is occurring in unity 4.6.8p1

  5. Udit_N

    Jan 05, 2016 09:55

    Using 5.3.1, still getting the same error, this bug is since 5.2 ver, is it fixed or not? I tried to import it after deleting heavy meshes from my scene but theres no any difference. Please help!!

  6. canis

    Dec 29, 2015 05:14

    using 5.3.1p1 still have same issue

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