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Fixed in 5.4.0



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Game view scale is reset after changing game view size

Scene/Game View


Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a project
2. Zoom the game view using the scale manipulation
3. Resize game view

Expected behavior:
After changing the game view scale it should keep it's changed value even after resizing the game view.

Actual behavior:
Changed game view scale changes back to default after resizing the game view.

After the scale resets, change it's value again.

Comments (38)

  1. mbryne

    Jan 25, 2019 02:10

    I have started experiencing this issue again in Unity 2018.3.02f. The issue occurs if I have a zoom level under 2x.

    If I change my zoom level higher than 2 the Scale does not change to 2x on Start Game.

  2. mbryne

    Jan 25, 2019 01:41

    I have started experiencing this issue again in Unity 2018.3.02f. The issue occurs if I have a zoom level under 2x.

    If I change my zoom level higher than 2 the Scale does not change to 2x on Start Game.

  3. mbryne

    Jan 25, 2019 01:20

    I have started experiencing this issue again in Unity 2018.3.02f. The issue occurs if I have a zoom level under 2x.

    If I change my zoom level higher than 2 the Scale does not change to 2x on Start Game.

  4. mbryne

    Jan 25, 2019 01:10

    Also experiencing this issue on Unity 2018.3.02f.

  5. mbryne

    Jan 25, 2019 01:09

    Also experiencing this issue

  6. BorisOkunskiy

    Jan 22, 2019 21:00

    Please reopen this issue, as this is still not fixed in 2018.3.02f as stated in previous comment. And I've been experiencing this bug for as long as I know Unity (which is few years now).

    Just to clarify, it's not something that happens infrequently. From what I can tell, all users of displays with high pixel density (i.e. macOS + retina) suffer from this. And this happens 100s of time per day, right after you change something in your script and refocus Unity again => you have to go back and scale your Game view back. I literally lose an hour of my life every week coping with this awkward bug.

    I appreciate that macOS users may not be your target audience, but we're still... people. Please don't discard this.

  7. BorisOkunskiy

    Jan 22, 2019 20:58

    Please reopen this issue, as this is still not fixed in 2018.3.02f as stated in previous comment. And I've been experiencing this bug for as long as I know Unity (which is few years now).

    Just to clarify, it's not something that happens infrequently. From what I can tell, all users of displays with high pixel density (i.e. macOS + retina) suffer from this. And this happens 100s of time per day, right after you change something in your script and refocus Unity again => you have to go back and scale your Game view back. I literally lose an hour of my life every week coping with this awkward bug.

    I appreciate that macOS users may not be your target audience, but we're still... people. Please don't discard this.

  8. junedmmn

    Dec 20, 2018 11:02

    The issue is still not fixed in Unity 2018.3.02f. What is Unity doing, they release Updates every week without fixing the issues. Instead of fixing issues they close the voting stating that the issue is fixed, the issue is still present. Please fix this.

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