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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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Fullscreen Shader Graph Assets are unusable when imported into a URP project and have Both "URP" and "HDRP" as Active Targets as well as Material set to "Fullscreen"



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project with the "3D (URP)" template
2. Create a new Fullscreen Shader Graph Asset (Asset > Create > Shader Graph > URP > Fullscreen Shader Graph)
3. Create a new project with the "3D (HDRP)" template
4. Import the Shader Graph Asset created in the "3D (URP)" project
5. Select the imported Shader Graph Asset
6. In the Inspector select "Open Shader Editor"
7. In the Graph Inspector under the Active Targets field add the "HDRP" target
8. In the Material field select “Fullscreen”
9. Save the Shader Graph Asset and import it back into the "3D (URP)" project
10. Observe the Console

Expected result: The Shader Graph Asset can be modified, no errors are thrown, and the default Shader Graph Asset icon is displayed
Actual result: The Shader Graph Asset cannot be modified, multiple errors are thrown, and the default Shader Graph Asset icon is not displayed

Reproduced with: 2022.3.13f1, 2023.1.19f1, 2023.2.0b18, 2023.3.0a14
Could not test with: 2021.3.32f1 (Fullscreen Shader Graphs do not exist)

Reproduced on: Windows 10 (by reporter), Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

1. Full error logs provided in internal comments
2. Not reproducible with any other Shader Graph Asset type
3. Not reproducible when Fullscreen Shader Graph Material is set to anything other than “Fullscreen”

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