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[Frame Debugger] Enabling Frame Debugger interrupts Profiler recording when Targetmode is set to Player
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a New Project
2. Edit > Build Settings > Dev Build+AutoConnect Profiler > Enable
3. Build and Run
4. Window > Analysis > Frame Debugger > Target: Player(if not already)
5. Frame Debugger > Enable
Actual Results:
1. Profiler recording is paused as long as frame debugger is enabled
2. Enable button doesn't update to "Disable"
Expected Result:
1.Profiler should run uninterrupted as it does when both are Targetting Editor.
2.Enable button should update to "Disable"
Reproducible with: 2020.2.0a9, 2020.1.0b8, 2019.3.10f1, 2018.4.19f1, 2017.4.34f1
For 'Playmode', Profiler gets paused(if it is targetting Playmode) as the Play is paused by enabling Frame Debugger(as it targets editor). But when both are connected to a Player after 'Build and Run' the Play does not pause and hence the Profiler shouldn't either.
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Resolution Note:
By-design because the behavior is correct.
Profiler recording is paused as long as frame debugger is enabled <- the actual result is the correct behavior and same as editor playmode.
Enable button is a toggle so it doesn't need to be changed to disable. Behaviour with targeting player / editor is same so nothing is wrong.