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FPS and ms provided by statistics window doesn't match profiler's measurements



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  1. Resolution Note:

    It is not a bug.

    FPS in Editor show actual frame counts in a sec.
    But profiler shows accumulated time of every process in a frame.

    Unity divides render process from the main thread and run it in a different thread.
    Render thread is simultaneously rendering while the main thread is working.
    These threads wait each other until other thread finish their work.
    So time to make 1 frame is maximum between main and render Thread.

    code.. ( GameviewGUI.cs )
    m_MaxTimeAccumulator += Mathf.Max(frameTime, renderTime);

    But profiler accumulate every process time in on one graph.
    It doesn't mean exact processing time of one frame.
    It is sum of every processing times in a frame.

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