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Flickering / not fully visible texts on units

Package: Visual Scripting


[Original Issue|] - Unity Bug
Not sure if it is already posted in some other bug, but this have been bothering quite a while. It is not a big issue, but annoying.

When moving on the flow, texts of the units are flickering and text are not fully visible from time to time. This happens while on full zoom, 1x.

But I just found that if I move the zoom in slider just a little to decrease the value, they seems to be no longer flickering or missing text. Of course they are a slight smaller in size, but without that annoyance.
* *Using Bolt v1.4.0f6*
* *.NET 3*
* *Unity 2018.2.8f1*
* *macOS High Sierra 10.13.6*

Bolt Version:
Unity Version:
Scripting Backend:
.NET Version (API Compatibility Level):

  1. Resolution Note:

    Unity Bug

    Lazlo Bonin (Lead Developer) 2 years ago
    Hi David,

    Unfortunately this is a know issue in recent Unity versions that is out of our control.

    It's been reported before (I'm merging this thread) and is being actively looked at by the Unity developers, see the bug report here:

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