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Flickering along the GameObject edge is noticeable when Post Anti-aliasing is set to TAA



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “My project (6)“
2. Open the “OutdoorScene“
3. Enter the Play Mode
4. In the Game view Control Bar use the Scale slider to zoom in as much as possible
5. Observe the Game view

Expected result: No flickering observed around the edges of the “SM_Veh_Veh_Boat_Large_01_Hull_Attachments“ GameObject
Actual result: Flickering observed around the edges of the “SM_Veh_Veh_Boat_Large_01_Hull_Attachments“ GameObject

Reproducible with: 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.32f1, 6000.0.5f1

Reproducible on: macOS 13.5.2 (Intel), Windows 11 (User’s)
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- Only happens when Post Anti-aliasing is set to TAA, with FXAA and SMAA the issue does not appear
- Also reproducible in URP
- Reproducible in the Player

  1. Resolution Note:

    This seems like it is normal TAA behavior. There is usually some flicker visible. Try adjusting the TAA parameters to reduce flicker.

    TAA is a temporal technique where it renders one anti-alias sample per frame. The camera is moved slight every frame (jittered) so that a different per pixel sample/position can be rendered. This means there is an inherent flicker in the algorithm and the algorithm settings can be quite content specific.
    Thin 1px high contrast edges are generally difficult for TAA as they can fade in and out in different sample positions and produce large color differences between frames.

    The camera has Temporal Anti-aliasing tuning parameters. Reducing sharpening, increasing Anti-Flicker, increasing Base Blend Factor and reducing Jitter Scale can help mitigate the flicker. These options are a tradeoff and low flicker image can exhibit blur and/or ghosting.

    While TAA is typically good for realistic textured content, a different AA options such as MSAA (or SMAA if unavailable) might be a better choice for flat polygon style graphics with thin edges as seen in the bug repro project.

    Jittered camera can also impact shadows as the camera volume changes per frame which then forces the shadow map to change per frame potentially introducing flickering in the shadow map.

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