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FBX is included in Build when Particle System Renderer Mode is changed from Mesh to Billboard

Build Pipeline


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project ""
2. Create a new Scene and in the Hierarchy window a Particle System
3. Select the created Particle System and in the Inspector under the Renderer change the Renderer mode to Mesh
4. Select the "Gun" Mesh
5. Change the Renderer mode to Billboard
6. Build the Project

Expected result: the "45 ACP Smith and Wesson Gun.fbx" is not included in the Build
Actual result: the "45 ACP Smith and Wesson Gun.fbx" is included in the Build (See attached AssetIncludedIn Build.mp4)

Reproduces on: 2018.4.25f1, 2019.4.5f1, 2020.1.0b16, 2020.2.0a19

  1. Resolution Note:

    By default all serialized properties will be included in a component regardless of the state at build. This is because we do not know how the system will be used in the player, users often switch modes on/off as part of their effect and switching from billboard to mesh is not uncommon. By stripping the referenced mesh we would create a different behaviour in the player from the editor which would be seen as a bug. The way to remove the asset from the build is to just remove the reference to the asset.

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