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[TreeCreator]'Failed extracting collision mesh because vertex at index 213 contains a non-finite value...' error is thrown in TC



To reproduce:

1. In a new project, go to GameObject -> 3D Object -> Tree
2. Add Mesh Collider to the tree object
3. Select the only Branch Group in the tree and click Add Branch Group button
4. Set Group Seed of the newly created Branch Group to 724137
5. Set Frequency to 70
6. Observe the Console

Expected: No errors are thrown when the Group Seed and Frequency settings are set to a particular values
Actual: With Mesh Collider added to the tree object, setting Group Seed and Frequency properties to particural values throws 'Failed extracting collision mesh because vertex at index 213 contains a non-finite value (-1.#IND00, -1.#IND00, -1.#IND00). Mesh asset path "Assets/Tree.prefab" Mesh name "Mesh" ' error

Reproduced in 5.4.0f3, 5.4.1f1, 5.5.2p4, 5.6.0f3, 2017.1.0a6

  1. Resolution Note:

    TreeCreator will only be available as a package in GitHub, where Unity developers and users will be able to contribute to its development and maintenance. To support this move, we are suspending bug fixes until the TreeCreator is a package. However, although TreeCreator will not available directly in the Unity Editor, Unity will continue to support any Assets made with TreeCreator.

Comments (4)

  1. Dalfamurni

    Jun 30, 2020 19:49

    This is still occurring on Unity 2019.4.1f1

    For anyone out there pulling their hair out, there is a workaround as follows.

    Fiddle with the Frequency and Group Seed of each branch group, on your tree until you find the group that has the culprit. If you only have one branch group with a large number of branches, then just start there. If you have to try with multiple branch groups before you find it, undo all of the changes after you find the right one, and then only change that specific group's values. Keep in mind that increasing the frequency of a branch group above a certain unknown number that is in my experience between 50 and 70 is the cause, so always start with those groups that are above 50 in frequency.

    If you want branches in a frequency exceeding the breaking threshold of about 50-ish, a workaround for this limitation is to just make more than one branch group.

    Bear in mind, though, that the group seed and frequency combinations together are what set the bug's breaking threshold. the 50-70 range I've listed is just in my experience, not definitive. You should try whatever number you want, and only implement this workaround in cases when this issue arises. That way you won't have to make all your trees have an unwieldy number of branch groups.

  2. evilangel89

    Sep 30, 2018 20:57

    Not to mention, the mesh appears as missing. Copying a mesh from one scene to the other also causes this error sometimes.

  3. evilangel89

    Sep 30, 2018 20:57

    Not to mention, the mesh appears as missing. Copying a mesh from one scene to the other also causes this error sometimes.

  4. evilangel89

    Sep 30, 2018 20:57

    Not only a problem with trees. The issue also occurs with probuilder made meshes then and there. Reproduced in Unity 2018.1.1

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