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ExecuteMethod uses cached data when running validations after a CI checkout



Reproduction steps:
1. Connect to the remote PC and open the project folder (see Internal notes)
2. Check if the required files exist and restore them if needed (see Internal notes)
3. Run the “RunTests.bat”, wait for the cmd to close and look at the log.txt file generated from the .bat file
4. Using CTRL+F, search for “BUILD TOOLS: SafeSubmitValidation : Validation successful” to confirm that it was successful
5. Delete the files mentioned in the Internal notes
6. Run the “RunTests.bat”, wait for the cmd to close and look at the log.txt file generated from the .bat file
7. Using CTRL+F, search for “BUILD TOOLS: SafeSubmitValidation : Validation successful”
8. Observe the results

Expected Result: The validation fails
Actual Result: The validation succeeds

Reproducible with: 2021.3.28f1

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- Running the “RunTests.bat” a second time after deleting the files, the validation fails which is expected behavior
- Deleting the library or just opening the project once after the checkout results in the expected behavior

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