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Found in [Package]

0.0.12 - preview.21

Issue ID




EntityArchetypeQuery is updated only when ComponentGroup exists with same ComponentType even though if it has no entities

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the project inside ""
2. Open Entity Debugger at Window -> Analysis - Entity Debugger
3. Inside of the Entity Debugger click on the "Editor World" and then enable "Show Inactive Systems"
4. Open and Play "TurnedBasedBattle" scene
5. Click on the "Load field" inside Game window

Expected: Entity Debugger shows that TLTBattleElementUpdatingSystem system is running
Actual: EntityDebugger shows that TLTBattleElementUpdatingSystem is not running, this is because no ComponentGroup exists assigned to the same ComponentType

Reproduced on: 2018.3.7f1, 2019.1.0b4, 2019.2.0a6
Cannot reproduce on earlier than 2018.3.0f2 versions due to Project fragility
Could not test on Windows build because of building errors

  1. Resolution Note:

    This behavior is by design. Store the appropriate ComponentGroups in your system for whatever data you would like to process. If you wish to do system culling manually, [AlwaysUpdate] attribute allows the the system to update on it's own.

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